Subject pronouns in Spanish

Subject Pronouns:-

A subject pronoun is a shorter word that takes the place of a longer noun, we use pronouns once we have introduced a noun so that we suppose to do not keep repeating the same thing over and over again.

Subject pronouns always need to agree with number and verb.

1st personyo (I)nosotros/nosotras (we)
2nd person (you informal or familiar)vosotros/as (you-all familiar)
3rd personél/ella/usted (he/she/ you- formal)ellos/ellas/ustedes (they/you-all formal)

Now let’s see the examples of the above subject pronouns:-

  • Yo:-


  • Yo soy de India – I am from India.
  • Yo hablo español – I speak Spanish.
  • Tú:-

(If you are talking with friend, relative- younger brother/sister…etc., you can use second person singular “tú”.)


  • Tú eres Priyanka – you are Priyanka.
  • Tú estás loco – you are crazy.
  • Él / Ella:-


  • Él habla español – he speaks Spanish.
  • Ella vive en Barcelona – she lives in Barcelona.
  • Usted:-

( Usted is used for respected person, elder person or to  whom you would like to give respect )


  • Usted habla bien – you speak well.
  • Nosotros/as:-

( Nosotros or nosotras is used for a group of persons in which you are part of that group )

( Note:- Nosotros is used to express a group of male or a group of male and female both, even if in that

group all are female and only one person will be in that group, then still you have to use nosotros, because our society is male dominated society, that is the reason behind it to use nosotros to express a group of male and female.

        Nosotras is used only when the entire group is female )


  • Nosotros hablamos Hindi – we speak Hindi.
  • Vosotros/as:-

( Vosotros and vosotras are used to express a group of people, ‘you all’- informal or familiar.

Vosotros and vosotras follow the same rules for gender as a nosotros and nosotras )


  • Vosotros/vosotras habláis mucho – you all speak much.
  • Ellos / ellas:-

( Ellos / ellas also follow the same rules for gender as a nosotros, nosotras, vosotros and vosotras )


  • Ellas/ellos viven en Nueva Delhi – They live in New Delhi.
  • Ustedes:- 

( Ustedes is used to express a group of people, ‘you all’- formal.


  • Ustedes comen mucho – you all eat much.


Write the correct subject pronoun (yo, tú, él, ella, usted, nosotros, vosotros, ellos, ellas, ustedes) for each one) :

  1. I am = ———— soy.
  2. They (feminine) speak = ————— hablan.
  3. You (singular, familiar) can learn = ———— puedes aprender.
  4. You (plural, familiar) are = —————— sois.
  5. They (masculine) write a letter = —————– escriben una carta.
  6. We eat = ——————— comemos.
  7. He says = ———— dice.
  8. You (singular, polite) know = —————sabe.
  9. You (plural, formal) dance = ——————— bailan.
  10. She sings a song = ———————-canta una canción.



  1. Yo
  2. Ellas
  3. Vosotros
  4. Ellos
  5. Nosotros
  6. Él
  7. Usted
  8. Ustedes
  9. Ella



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